Advisor of the Quarter
Protected Investors of America (PIA) is a Multi-Advisor team partnering with Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. for their broker-dealer needs. The group was founded in 1934 as an independent RIA. The first PIA advisors sprung from the trenches of the Great Depression with a common goal of creating a trustworthy resource for the average investor to address a combination of their immediate and future financial needs. After 85 years of existence, PIA advisors continue to rise above the industry norm in their dedication to understanding and servicing their clients. While many aspects of Protected Investors of America (and the financial industry itself) have changed since 1934, the quality and passion of our advisors has remained steadfast. With this in mind, we thought it was past due to revamp the tradition of celebrating our advisors’ unique stories and attributes.
As we considered the difficult task of who to start with, a matter of circumstance helped make the choice more simple. How could we pass up the opportunity to begin by celebrating a woman who continued to manage and care for her clients from a hospital bed while recovering from two, back-to-back knee surgeries in 2018? Simply, we couldn’t.
Nancy Epstein
Advisor of the Quarter
NANCY EPSTEIN, proud owner of two new knees, has been a critical member of PIA since 1997. She says her favorite part of Protected Investors of America is the camaraderie of the organization. In Nancy’s words, it is a group marked by integrity, genial peers, and thoughtful actions. To her, the best part of being a financial advisor is “bringing relief and confidence to clients that they have a financial strategy that will work.”
For anyone new to the advisory business, she would make three recommendations to help lead them to a successful career: “listen, listen, and listen!” It may sound simple, but sometimes simplicity makes for the best foundation. She would also suggest that you “play to your strengths in how to help clients.” Part of this is “[knowing] the clients you’d like to serve.” You can look forward to a deeply satisfying career if you focus on cultivating your personal strengths while pairing it with your target clientele (i.e. someone who will benefit most from your individual skill set and that ‘clicks’ with you in return). After all, this approach has certainly worked for Nancy and her clients over the past 22 years.
Nancy is a fantastic advisor and colleague, however please don’t think that is all there is to her! When we asked this one-time film editor a bit more about her past, present, and dreams for the future, we found some interesting information:
“Success is when a client tells me they feel cared for.”
What were you like when you were 10 years old?
A tom boy.
What did you want to be when growing up?
A veterinarian or a musician.
If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
What is the first concert you attended?
Laura Nyro, 1969. She was 45 minutes late coming on stage, high, and only played half an hour. We were crushed!
What was the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
1969, Parking lot attendant at Bullocks (now Macy’s) department store for $1.90/hour.
What are your biggest pet peeves?
Sloppy communications, poor grammar, poor editing, no proof reading, contemporary abbreviations for phrases – OMG, I hate it! 😊
What is your favorite quote, motto, or personal mantra?
What is your guilty pleasure movie or tv show?
The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Hilarious!
Where would you go on a dream vacation?
East Africa.
What aspect of your role as an advisor do you enjoy the most?
Getting to know client stories.
How do you define success?
When a client tells me they feel cared for.
Nancy Epstein is currently registered in Alaska, California, Florida, Nebraska, Oregon, and Washington. If you are interested in connecting with Nancy, please email her at or call (415) 869-5974.