Advisor Team of the Quarter
Nancy & Randy Robertson
Advisor Team of the Quarter
NANCY and RANDY ROBERTSON are truly a testament to the success spouses can find when they combine forces in both personal and professional arenas. While they occasionally need to “table the work conversation at home,” the husband and wife team finds this minor inconvenience worth the tradeoff knowing that they have the luxury of collaborating with a partner whom they can trust to work with integrity and a deep sense of care for their clients. The duo has been working together as advisors at Protected Investors of America (PIA) since 2013, and loves being part of a group of “quality advisors with many different approaches to doing the right thing for clients.”
Nancy first got started in the financial industry in 1993 when she joined her father’s practice. Over the years Nancy developed a deep appreciation for their clients. She was (and still is) passionate that, “our connection is so important,” and encourages other advisors to, “Know your clients. Care about your clients.” She feels one of the most importing things about being in the industry is that advisors don’t lose sight of their clients. In 2005, her father, James “Jim” Lingel, retired and Nancy took over the practice. Since then, her enthusiasm for superior client services has only continued to flourish.
Prior to joining Nancy and PIA, Randy enjoyed a career in marketing. In 2013, he made the unexpected leap into the world of finance. Nancy’s business had grown considerably and was continuing to expand. She needed help. At first, Randy (a skilled technology user) simply couldn’t help but to jump in and upgrade the office systems and processes to make her more efficient. Then, as Nancy jokes, “I slowly roped him in.” First, he helped get her through the 2013 tax season, a time which inspired him to get his Series 6 license. He continued to help in his spare time, until he jumped “all in” as a business partner. Since then, he continued to acquire more industry licenses. Today, he couldn’t be happier that he took the leap to finance. His favorite part about being an advisor is helping clients evaluate their plans and reaching long-term objectives.
In addition to being value-driven, quality-oriented, and service-focused advisors, Nancy and Randy are also full of interesting personal anecdotes and tidbits of information:
“Our connection is so important. Know your clients. Care about your clients.”
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.
(Nancy) I swam back from Alcatraz.
(Randy) My maternal grandmother’s ancestor was Rebecca Nurse, the first person hanged for being a witch during the Salem Witch Trials.
Before working at PIA, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
(Nancy) I managed a division that specialized in historical document preservation for the Smithsonian, the Hoover Institute and other universities.
(Randy) Circulation Marketing Director for Electronic Musician Magazine and Mix Magazine.
How do you define success?
(Randy) Healthy, debt free and time to enjoy life!
Favorite quote, motto or personal mantra?
(Nancy) If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. This helps me in times of marker volatility…if the allocation is about right – do nothing.
Least favorite food?
(Randy) Kale (is that really a food…or a marketing ploy!)
What is your greatest fear?
(Nancy) That the year I officially “give-up” on the Sharks…they win the cup and Rich holds it over me for years!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
(Randy) Hike, cycle, relax at a pool or lake or beach.
If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
(Nancy) Almost any of Ben Franklin’s inventions.
Where is your hometown?
(Nancy) Lafayette, CA
(Randy) Woodland, CA
Top three life highlights?
(Randy) Last year of college, first year of marriage and recent trip to Italy with all my girls (and of course the birth of each of our three daughters!)
If you’d like to learn even more about Nancy and Randy, please visit or contact them directly:
Randy and Nancy Robertson
7041 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 265, Pleasanton, CA 94566
Office: 925.461.5312
Nancy Robertson is currently registered in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Washington. If you are interested in connecting with Nancy, please email her at or call 415.453.6000. Randy Robertson is currently registered in Arizona, California, Hawaii, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington. If you are interested in connecting with Randy, please email him at or call 925.461.5312.